6 Car Laws You Should Be Aware Of If You Are Planning To Visit Dubai

Last Updated on February 5, 2024 by John Robinson

Dubai is an exciting destination for anyone interested in a tropical getaway or planning a big trip. The city was rated the happiest city in the world by the Social Science Research Center, so there is no question that this is a must-see.

The city can be a little tricky due to the different rules. Reading the car laws is a must if you want to avoid any issues and make sure your trip goes seamlessly!

Read on to discover the top car laws you should be aware of, whether you’re driving or taking a taxi when you visit Dubai. Let’s get started!

1. All Vehicles Should Have Comprehensive Insurance Cover

To ensure a smooth and safe visit to Dubai, all vehicles should have comprehensive insurance coverage. This includes third-party insurance coverage to cover the costs incurred in the event of an accident.

Vehicle owners should also ensure that their vehicles comply with the rules and regulations of RTA. In addition, vehicles should comply with the country’s emission standards.

Driving a car with emissions that exceed the specified limits is still punishable by law. Careful adherence to the rules and regulations of the RTA will help ensure a safe and enjoyable stay in Dubai.

2. Follow the Speed Limit of the City

Dubai is an increasingly popular destination for travelers. As such, it is important to familiarize yourself with the local laws regarding car usage and safety.

The speed limit is usually around 80 km/h unless a highway or a residential area calls for a different speed limit. So it is crucial to drive as safely as possible and make sure that you don’t exceed the limit to avoid getting a traffic fine in Dubai. You should always keep this in mind as it is monitored through speed cameras and radar systems. Those who violate it can be heavily fined or even temporarily banned from driving in the city.

3. Seatbelts Must Be Worn at All Times

All adults and children must wear their seatbelts at all times while riding in a car, no matter if the engine is running or not. Failure to comply with this law could result in a fine of up to AED 400.

Furthermore, children under the age of 4 must be fastened in a suitable car seat or booster seat while traveling. Additionally, you need to be aware that it’s against the law to tint the windows of your car as this can cause a hazard while driving.

4. Never Use Mobile Phones While Driving

It is illegal to use mobile phones while driving in Dubai, so if you are planning to visit the city make sure you abide by this law. In Dubai, drivers are not allowed to hold their phones to make or receive calls, write text messages, and play games

This includes hands-free devices like headsets and Bluetooth. However, they can only use their phone if they are parked safely and have their engine switched off. This law is enforced very strictly, and fines will be issued if caught.

5. Displaying Road Rage Is Strictly Prohibited

Displaying road rage is strictly forbidden. You cannot make any threatening, offensive hand gestures, or display excessive honking of your horn. In many instances, acting aggressively or recklessly behind the wheel can result in police intervention and hefty fines.

Additionally, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is also strictly prohibited. Not only is it illegal, but it puts yourself and others in danger of harm. 

Overall, it is illegal to verbally or physically threaten other drivers or damage property. Fines and jail time could be imposed if an individual is found in violation of this law.

6. Yellow Lane Marking Are Restricted to State Vehicles Only

Another important law is regarding yellow lane markings, which restrict them to state vehicles only. This is to ensure that no other vehicles encroach on these areas to assure the safety of citizens.

This applies to highways and roads, which are indicated by the use of yellow lane markings. All other vehicles are prohibited from traveling in those lanes.

If a driver is found in violation of this law, they may face fines, points on their license, or even have their vehicle impounded. So visitors need to be aware of which lanes are restricted to state vehicles only and ensure that they don’t misuse them.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/arabic-attention-blue-caution-city-4582130/

Dubai traffic regulations have been put in place to ensure safety and respect on the roads. Planning ahead of time and being aware of the regulations can ensure that any visit to Dubai will be a safe and unforgettable experience.

Check out the map before traveling, adhere to the 40 km/h speed limit, and most importantly, buckle up!

John Robinson
John Robinson

Howdy! I’m John Robinson from Levittown, New York. I am a mechanical engineer for 15 years and already had an established car repair company. I developed a personal relationship with cars since I was a kid. I always love the sounds and smell emitted by a car or truck and even at construction machinery. Since then I have been married but my love for cars only grew.