Mastercraft MC-440: Review & Buying Guide

Last Updated on August 25, 2022 by John Robinson

Tired of budget-conscious tires that break down after a few weeks or months? We’ve also had our fair share of bad calls when it comes to inexpensive tires. That is why we’re pleased to report that Mastercraft Tires, an offshoot company of Cooper Tires, is making low-cost yet high-quality models

One of them is the MC-440 Tire. This one may no longer be widely circulated, but you can still find it in certain marketplaces being sold as used or brand new. 

We’re drawn to this option because it offers value for our money. After reading our review, see if it also fits the bill in your case.

Table of Contents

What is the Mastercraft MC-440 Tire?

What is the Mastercraft MC-440 Tire?
What is the Mastercraft MC-440 Tire?

An all-season tire, the MC-440 dishes out dependable performance all year. The asymmetric tread pattern has an M/S rating to assure you it is safe to use in mud or light snow. In summer or dry weather, its traction and handling won’t let you down. You feel in control when you are steering on dry roads, with quick responsiveness to boot, thanks to the continuous center rib.

Rain or snow, you can take advantage of its good grip on wet pavement. The wide, see-through circumferential grooves and the special lateral shoulder slots are responsible for this result. However, we won’t push this one down deep snow or hard ice. If you live in areas where either happens, you might want to find a dedicated winter tire.

Light snow is okay, though, because of the biting edges that let you hold on to the surface more securely and safely. Stopping should not be a problem in wet weather emergencies and situations.

In all of these ideal environments, you won’t have any trouble going above 90+ kph. When you hit a pothole head, this model remains comfortable and quiet. Some users report that it wears well. For a tire targeted to the budget-conscious, this one does not cheapen the experience. It has a long-lasting tread life, backed by a 40,000 miles warranty. 

However, the mileage is almost at the lower end of the standard range for the mileage warranty for tires. Yet, overall, buyers who have brought it out to test say that it is all they expected. No surprises. It stays quiet and smooth for the most part, only getting louder when the tread is wearing out. The MC440 is available in sizes of 14 to 17 inches, with speed ratings of T, H, and V.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Dry and wet traction and handling are notable, with the M/S rating reassuring you it’s safe to use in mud or snow.
It has an exceptional grip, especially on wet pavements.
It offers a smooth and quiet ride throughout its lifetime.
Dry and wet braking is not an issue.
At 40,000 miles, its tread life falls within the standard range for tires.
At below $100, its price is one of the most affordable on the market, adding a lot of value to its target customers.[/i2pros][i2cons]Like other all-season models, it should not be used in deep snow.
It can get loud when its tread reaches its time of wearing out.
Other models from the same manufacturer can offer up to 80,000 miles, which is rare in cheaper products. Consider it being on the lower end of the spectrum in this regard.[/i2cons][/i2pc]


  • Who is Mastercraft Tires Made By?

The brand behind tires like the MC-440 is Mastercraft. It is a subsidiary of Cooper Tire & Rubber Company. These two brands have made a name in the industry. MC, however, focuses on manufacturing affordable premium tires for a variety of vehicles, including sedans, minivans, SUVs, trucks, and pickups. It caters to both passenger and commercial transportation needs, all built for daily performance.

Aside from the MC-440, its other most popular and highest-rated products come from the Courser and SRT Touring families. They’ve also got great dry and wet traction. The prices start at around $50. With the value the models provide, they are an economical choice for those who want to spend within their budget.

  • Are MC Tires Good Tires?

The manufacturer established the business in 1909. So, it’s been around for over a century. No one lasts this long without having built a range of products that are recognized for their advantages, benefits, features, and value. The tires produced by the company, thus, have conquered this litmus test. 

Just because it has decades of being in the industry to back it up doesn’t mean its tires are the best, right? Well, we wouldn’t call everything it makes the best as there are other factors to consider aside from brand reputation.

Yet, with affordable price points and above-average performance, its models are on par with those created by top premium brands. Excellent mileage, traction, and value for money are the highlights of a Mastercraft tire.

  • Are Mastercraft Tires Retreads?

Yes, some MC tire models are retreaded. Retreads are the products of a re-manufacturing process that replace the tread of spent tires with quality casing. These have undergone inspection and repair before being given a new lease on life.

Using retreads may divide some people. But facts should be considered before opinions. The thing is, with proper care and maintenance, modern retreads are safe and perform well or better than new tires.

In most cases, retreads are more reliable than cheap versions that compromise on many features. The MC 440’s traction, grip, steering responsiveness, and long tread life are a testament to that statement. So don’t discount retreads just yet.

What is the Rating of MC Tires?

There are various MC tires available on the market. Ratings depend on customers, as well as some expert reviewers. So, there really is no way to find the average rating for each model. But aside from the MC-440, some of the most highly-rated on e-commerce sites like Amazon and professional review sites are as follows:

  • A/S IV
  • Strategy
  • LSR Grand Touring
  • Avenger G/T
  • Courser HTR Plus
  • Courser AXT

These are rated based on traction, handling, grip, response, tread life, and pricing, among others. Have you encountered any of these MC products before?



After poring over reviews of the MC-440, as well as conducting our own, we conclude that this tire has remarkable value to offer. It assures you that not all retreads or low-cost choices translate to cheap products that end up in the dump. When it comes to tires, you’d want to use them up until they reach the limit of their tread life.

For a retread, this tire is also pretty resilient and durable. It can still last you 40,000 miles after having gone through significant distances in its past life.

With cheap products that disregard quality, you get what you pay for. But not with this one. You get what you pay for, and then some. It packs several features that make it a reliable all-season tire for budget-conscious consumers. Some customer reviews even go as far as saying that it is on par with the products of more popular and premium brands.

Given all of these pieces of information, you may be wrapping things up now in your head. Are you getting it or not getting it? Tell us in the comments what your final answer is!

John Robinson
John Robinson

Howdy! I’m John Robinson from Levittown, New York. I am a mechanical engineer for 15 years and already had an established car repair company. I developed a personal relationship with cars since I was a kid. I always love the sounds and smell emitted by a car or truck and even at construction machinery. Since then I have been married but my love for cars only grew.